Imagine a new version of your managed package is released. In this update, your Standard User profile should be provided with access to a specific field or a different Page layout assignment.
It will be great if this minor update automatically appears on your subscriber orgs, right?
Now let’s dive into reality and gasp at how much monotonous work you have to do to change some minor detail.
How long is this gonna take?
Potentially a while. As with Editable Components, you either have to do it manually, getting access from the client and taking your time, most often not even getting paid for it. Or you’ll have to burden your client’s administrator with extra work providing special instructions, and he is unlikely to be happy about it.
All for just a few specific permissions for Profiles in your package! Honestly, both cases don’t sound optimistic.
Thankfully, there’s a better way. We have already figured out how to do it all for you much easier. Update subscriber-editable components and profile permissions & assignments on as many subscriber orgs as you need at a time with Zuppio!

Meet our recent update, which allows you to copy all Profile configuration of your managed package to subscriber orgs (for example Page Layout assignments or Custom Object permissions) or add some configurations directly via XML code.
Now thanks to this easy-to-use tool you can effortlessly update all custom Profiles which exist both in source and subscriber orgs in a few clicks. Just connect them in our app, make sure you took into account some technical details (equal names, values, etc.) and watch Zuppio do everything for you!